Wednesday 5 August 2009

"Tolerance" is a Guise for Social Engineering

For centuries the Masonic central bankers who control Western society and culture have been pushing "tolerance." Why?

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is a notorious "forgery" that uncannily explains our predicament. It says the Illuminati bankers want to "dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us." (Protocols, Section 5)

The four major collective forces are: Race, Religion, Family and Nation. They are the four pillars of our human identity.
How do you undermine them? Certainly a frontal attack would meet with spirited resistance. Instead you promote "tolerance" which destroys these collective forces by erasing the differences between them.
Thus you have ecumenicism in religion, miscegenation in race, and regionalism (i.e. EU, NAU) in nation states. You destroy family by erasing gender differences.
"Tolerance" (and "human rights") are Orwellian doublespeak for a process that demolishes the four pillars of human identity. Human beings are being re-engineered to be servants, cattle, "human resource" of the Cabalist bankers. We are being deliberately stunted and diverted as dysfunctional children who don't decide or do anything important but work, have sex and consume. Mankind is satanically possessed, hijacked by a Satanic cult.
"Tolerance" is applied selectively. We must tolerate whatever undermines the four collective forces but have "zero tolerance" for efforts to resist or uphold them. Tolerance for Rothschild shills; zero tolerance for everyone else.
Thus Black rappers can trash Black females but Don Imus was fired for a passing remark. Zero tolerance for white heterosexual Christians.
Gay activists can plot the end of "hetero-normative" society but the EU censors Poland for "hate" because it doesn't allow public schools to promote homosexuality.
American Zionists can instigate disastrous wars, but the EU declares illegal any scrutiny of the Jewish holocaust, which might deprive Zionists of their impunity. The truth can withstand scrutiny.
In the one-race, one-religion, one-world government, we are to have one sex as well. The bankers are creating a homosexual society by confusing us about gender and sexuality. (This confusion is called "Diversity." )
In 1973 the Rockefellers had the American Psychological Association change the definition of homosexual from a disorder to a normal lifestyle choice.
The APA is lobbying to have homosexuals declared "a protected minority." It engages in intimidation and propaganda. It threatened with boycotts "states whose citizens passed APA disapproved laws regarding homosexuality. It has supported efforts to introduce programs into the public schools to "reduce prejudice" aimed at so-called "gay, lesbian
and bisexual youth" or "pre-homosexual" children."

Does this sound like "tolerance" to you? The APA is vehemently against "conversion therapy" because they can't have homosexuals reverting to heterosexuality. That implies something is wrong with homosexuality!

In 1979 the noted sex therapists Masters and Johnson published their findings that 72% of dissatisfied homosexuals who entered their program converted to satisfied heterosexuals, based on follow-up five years later. Immediately the APA attack hounds condemned their methodology and claimed the men weren't really homosexuals.
To understand our world, we must appreciate that we are frogs in a large pot, having our identities changed. Our "culture" -- the pot and the stove -- is largely contrived, i.e. it is social engineering. Only "approved" statements get mass distribution,
Mankind is being transformed to serve the Cabalist bankers. They want us to identify as consumers and producers only, and be amenable to guidance by "experts", like the APA.
"Tolerance" shames us into giving up our humanity. Let's resist by strengthening our identities: heterosexuality, nation, religion and race, not deferring to others.

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