.Kate is now going for a bikini competition, but after a night out on the tiles, Kate thinks all men are gay as not one seemed interested in her, or her friends,
Kate Hitler screams for the 14 words, and with her tape recorder on ans taping what gullible followers don't no is each recording is being handed to the police, its no secret she does indeed work with them
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This Blog is for like minded Nationalist, if anyone finds any comments offensive, or politically don't agree, friendly debate is possible, but any threats, or offensive behavior, any posted porn, will result in a ban, no muck spreaders, trouble causes is not allowed. Have a laff, and enjoy.
The British Freedom Fighters Just to say what were about, we dont promote anything illegal, it is a org, set up with promotion of the NS ideals, we are sick to death of seeing a lot of injustices going on, and nothing being done, there is nothing wrong with being proud of your race, culture and heritage, who ever you are, we are British, and are proud to be British, the bulldog represents our British spirit, and sometimes the bulldog bites back.
As people who know us, we fight and strive for unity, I am asked who do I think our biggest enemy is, Jews, blacks, Pakistanis? No, I say whites.
Reason being, ok we have the commies, the reds, antifa, most are white, and there a minor threat, but our biggest threat is ourselves, so called comrades, nationalists, the infighting is amazing, I try to avoid such rubbish, until I get to the stage were I just can't ignore it.
Why is it just as we seem to be getting any were we have our own comrades to mess it up, is it jealousy? Who knows, thats why we the Bff will always promote unity, with groups,or individuals, our way of thinking,otherwise it just doesn't work
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This Blog is for like minded Nationalist, if anyone finds any comments offensive, or politically don't agree, friendly debate is possible, but any threats, or offensive behavior, any posted porn, will result in a ban, no muck spreaders, trouble causes is not allowed.
Have a laff, and enjoy.